Reorganization Case Study

The headquarters of a materials company in bankruptcy is a key tenant in an office building considered for acquisition. The tenant posted staggering losses before and during its reorganization. The rather lengthy reorganization period had saddled the tenant with significant unpaid professional fees.
Is the company a viable tenant?
By understanding the history of the tenant and the key components of its reorganization, CTA concluded the tenant's best chance for reemergence was during the next few quarters. By shedding operations which exposed the tenant to significant commodity price risk and continued high fixed costs, the Company was able to dramatically improve profitability. The key end markets for the tenant were experiencing robust demand. However, by shrinking the company significantly, the remaining operations provided modest cash flows after fees.
The tenant eventually emerged from bankruptcy and completed an IPO. Strong sales to key markets led the tenant's shares to double within the next year even after excluding first day IPO gains.
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